What is a service/panel upgrade?

Upgrading your service gives you access to more power coming into your home from your local utility provider. Your electrical capacity is primarily determined by the size and type of wiring in your home as well as the capacity of your protective devices and distribution systems, like breakers and panels. Those materials need to be replaced to increase your power capacity. When upgrading your power, usually your service mast and meter (where wires enter the outside of your house) as well as your main electrical panel and breakers, need to be replaced. For a full outline of our standard installation procedures, please refer to our Highwire Electric Service Upgrade Project Guide for Clients.

Why do I need to upgrade my electrical service?

Homes used to be built with electrical service between 50-150 amps of total power entering the home, which is then distributed to various circuits to power lights, outlets, and major appliances. As more devices and appliances have been developed to require higher levels of power, home electrical needs have increased. Typically, homes are now built with 200 amp service, but larger homes may even require 400 amps and multiple panels to handle regular usage of electrical appliances. Your electrician can help calculate your electrical load and requirements and advise you on the best and most cost effective upgrade options.

Click here for more information from Rewiring America about potential incentives and rebates when you upgrade your panel or electrify your home!

When should I upgrade my electrical service?

Service upgrades can be performed at any time, but the best time will vary based on your situation. Upgrades are often necessary in older homes, during or after major renovations, or when adding new electric appliances. Many clients also choose to upgrade when purchasing a new home so they can continue using the number and types of appliances they are used to. It is important to remember that during an upgrade, your home will be without electricity for up to 24 hours. If you are also rewiring some or all of your home during the course of an upgrade, this can be even longer. Highwire Electric is experienced in performing electrical upgrades and rewires while you are living in your home. We make every effort to keep power on in as much of the house as possible during our work. We can also make arrangements to power important appliances, like refrigerators or medical equipment, during your renovation using generators and temporary power.

Who should I choose to complete my electrical upgrade?

It is important to make sure that only a licensed electrical company completes your upgrade. We understand that many people are capable of a great DIY project, but this should not be one of them! Any upgrade requires coordination with your utility company, local inspectors and code enforcement offices, permitting departments, and suppliers. Power needs to be shut off by the power company and restored following completion of a reconnection authorization by local inspectors. A license is required to obtain those permits and unlicensed electrical contractors may use dangerous tactics to avoid contact with the utility company or code enforcement officers. This is one area where it pays to do things right and make sure your home is safe and up to code.


